Peter Chimpanzee
He arrived at the Sanctuary in 2007. He lived in a zoo in Fortaleza, where he suffered a lot along with the chimpanzees Tata and Judy, as the zoo was closed and it was in a precarious situation, causing them to suffer from a lack of food and water. Lost Paradise Zoo (CE)
Date of birth: 1985
Origin: Lost Paradise Zoo (CE)
Sanctuary: Sorocaba, São Paulo/Brazil


He arrived at the Sanctuary in 2007. He lived in a zoo in Fortaleza, where he suffered a lot along with the chimpanzees Tata and Judy, as the zoo was closed and it was in a precarious situation, causing them to suffer from a lack of food and water. In addition, they lived in an enclosure where there was little shade, forcing them to stay in the heat and become thirsty. It is very strong, imposing and has a different hair color than other chimpanzees, being more gray all over the body. Peter is reserved but enjoys playing tag. Whenever he goes to get food to eat from the little house in his enclosure, he takes several bananas and other fruits at once, perhaps because he was hungry in his life before the Sanctuary and because he is afraid of running out of food. He is the father of Marcelino, Miguel and Milan. Peter is a great father, he takes very good care of his children, always interacting positively with them.