Cláudio Chimpanzee
He is the son of Gilberto and Lulu and younger brother of Carlos. He arrived at the Sanctuary as a baby, in 2001. Despite being a very dominant male, he is at the same time sweet, sociable and temperamental. He likes to do grooming and when he gets hurt he likes to show the wounds to people he trusts to be taken care of. Like his brother Carlos, he also likes to make faces when he sees his reflection in the mirror, he is very active and cheerful.
Date of birth: 2000
Origin: Criadouro de Chimpanzés Marco Schwartz (PR)
Sanctuary: Sorocaba, São Paulo/Brazil


He is the son of Gilberto and Lulu and younger brother of Carlos. He arrived at the Sanctuary as a baby, in 2001. Despite being a very dominant male, he is at the same time sweet, sociable and temperamental. He likes to do grooming and when he gets hurt he likes to show the wounds to people he trusts to be taken care of. Like his brother Carlos, he also likes to make faces when he sees his reflection in the mirror, he is very active and cheerful.