Punia Chimpanzee
Punia, her companion Pweke and her daughter, Zuri, come from an Argentinean zoo. There, the family shared the enclosure with two other chimpanzees, however, while they were in the internal enclosure, the two had to remain in the external enclosure. Due to this management difficulty and the impossibility of integrating the five individuals, Anami was asked to receive the three. They are the Institute's most recent guests, having arrived in 2018.
Date of birth: 02/20/1992
Origin: Zoo in Argentina
Sanctuary: São José dos Pinhais, Paraná/Brazil

Female. DOB: 02/20/92, zoo in Argentina. Punia, her companion Pweke and her daughter, Zuri, come from an Argentinean zoo. There, the family shared the enclosure with two other chimpanzees, however, while they were in the internal enclosure, the two had to remain in the external enclosure. Due to this management difficulty and the impossibility of integrating the five individuals, Anami was asked to receive the three. They are the most recent guests at the Institute, they arrived in 2018. She, like her partner and daughter, have adapted very well to their new home and new routine. She is a present and protective, yet serene mother. She spends hours doing the grooming, which is characteristic of all three members of the family.