Matheus Chimpanzee
He arrived at the sanctuary in 2002 and was separated from the others for security reasons, as he was very young. However, on the day he was integrated, the surprise was huge and, contrary to what was feared, the meeting resulted in strong hugs and positive interactions, indicating that the integration was a success.
Date of birth: 08/03/2001
Origin: Circus
Sanctuary: São José dos Pinhais, Paraná/Brazil


Male. DOB: 03/08/01. He arrived at the sanctuary in 2002 and was separated from the others for security reasons, as he was so young. However, on the day he was integrated, the surprise was huge and, contrary to what was feared, the meeting resulted in strong hugs and positive interactions, indicating that the integration was a success. Matheus, who changed the bars of a small and dirty cage at the circus, had the opportunity to grow and learn with other chimpanzees, and this coexistence was essential for his social development. Today, he lives very well with his group and has a great ability to communicate, including with the handlers. He doesn’t hesitate to ask for more food when he’s hungry. He has grown into a beautiful and robust chimpanzee, who is demonstrating that he can compete for a better position in the hierarchy of the group in which he lives.