Jamaica Chimpanzee
She arrived at the Sanctuary in 2014, extremely thin and weak, along with her companions, Maria das Dores and Martin. Jamaica lived in a Hotel Fazenda in Sergipe, where she worked entertaining guests, walking around the hotel with a collar around her neck.
Date of birth: 1981
Origin: Hotel Fazenda Boa Luz (SE).
Sanctuary: Sorocaba, São Paulo/Brazil


She arrived at the Sanctuary in 2014, extremely thin and weak, along with her companions, Maria das Dores and Martin. Jamaica lived in a Hotel Fazenda in Sergipe, where she worked entertaining guests, walking around the hotel with a collar around her neck. Before working at the hotel she lived in a circus where she had all her teeth pulled. Despite all this, Jamaica is very docile, calm, sociable and affectionate. In the Sanctuary, she is known for her outrageous screams, screaming and becoming very euphoric when someone she likes arrives and also when any other chimpanzee vocalizes near her. She adapted quickly to the Sanctuary and today lives very happily with her partner Alex.