César Chimpanzee
He is the son of Samantha and Emílio and younger brother of Sofia, Suzi and Sara. He is very active, dominant and enjoys being the center of family attention. He lives with Jimmy and his sisters, and is very fond of teasing Suzi to play.
Date of birth: 12/10/2013
Origin: Santuário de Grandes Primatas de Sorocaba
Sanctuary: Sorocaba, São Paulo/Brazil


He is the son of Samantha and Emílio and younger brother of Sofia, Suzi and Sara. He is very active, dominant and enjoys being the center of family attention. He lives with Jimmy and his sisters, and is very fond of teasing Suzi to play. He is very precocious, evolved, self-sufficient and since he was a little boy he has dominance strategies to conquer everyone he lives with, ranging from teasing to affection to get what he wants.

Resident's History
posted in 10 Dec 2014
Caesar: the most human of all non-humans
César 1 ano-6_150x200 Caesar completed one year old on December 10th. Just like with his sisters, his mother, Samantha, did not breastfeed him and we had to raise him. This time was different, as Caesar,  during the day, was in the Sanctuary, in his enclosure, and in the afternoon and at night he
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