Catarina Chimpanzee
She was one of the last chimpanzees to work in circuses in Brazil, she lived in the circus for almost 40 years. She arrived at the Sanctuary in 2009, after an arrest by Ibama and the Federal Police in a circus that was in Minas Gerais. Catarina is very sociable, affectionate and delicate.
Date of birth: 1971
Origin: Circo Koslov
Sanctuary: Sorocaba, São Paulo/Brazil


She was one of the last chimpanzees to work in circuses in Brazil, she lived in the circus for almost 40 years. She arrived at the Sanctuary in 2009, after an arrest by Ibama and the Federal Police in a circus that was in Minas Gerais. Catarina is very sociable, affectionate and delicate. She is a true “lady”. She lives in true peace and love with her partner Jango and they spend all their time together.