Dolores (Dora) Chimpanzee
She lived her childhood in the Circo di Napoli (Naples Circus). Due to a legal turnaround, she was sent to the Beto Carrero Zoo, and in 2005 she was finally transferred to the Sanctuary.
Date of birth: 1996
Origin: Beto Carrero World Zoo
Sanctuary: Sorocaba, São Paulo/Brazil

She spent her childhood in Circo di Napoli, a circus in Brazil. She was rescued by the courts due to mistreatment and lack of legal documentation and transferred to the Sanctuary. However, with a twist in the judicial process, it was determined that Dolores should return to the Beto Carrero World zoo, which was her legal “owner”.

After the end of the process in 2005, Dolores was definitively sent to the Sanctuary and arrived severely debilitated, with fragile health and respiratory problems.

Despite all the mistreatment she suffered, and carrying traumas throughout her life, Dolores is very sociable and gets along well in groups and with males. She is a bit clumsy, but at the same time, she is affectionate with people she trusts and loves to groom. She lived in harmony with Black until his death, and currently shares the enclosure with Emilio, who likes her very much.

Lives at the Sanctuary.
She was one of the female chimpanzees used for breeding at the Marco Schwartz Commercial Chimpanzee Breeding Facility, which existed in southern Brazil.
Date of birth: 1985
Origin: Marco Schwartz Commercial Chimpanzee Breeding Center (south of Brazil)
Sanctuary: Sorocaba, São Paulo/Brazil
Lives at the Sanctuary.
She was one of the founders of the Sanctuary, arriving in the year 2000 along with chimpanzee Noel.
Date of birth: 02/14/1999
Origin: Marco Schwartz Commercial Chimpanzee Breeding Center (south of Brazil)
Sanctuary: Sorocaba, São Paulo/Brazil
Lives at the Sanctuary.
Since birth, she has lived in a group with her family.
Date of birth: 05/06/2003
Origin: Great Apes Sanctuary of Sorocaba
Sanctuary: Sorocaba, São Paulo/Brazil
Lives at the Sanctuary.
She is very smart and active and lives with chimpanzee Rakker.
Date of birth: 06/23/2012
Origin: Santuário de Grandes Primatas de Sorocaba
Sanctuary: Sorocaba, São Paulo/Brazil
Lives at the Sanctuary.
He has a good relationship with everyone in his family, but he is already quite dominant, always trying to do what he wants and showing his strength to the females. He is very curious and active and is always attentive to the vocalization of other neighboring chimpanzees.
Date of birth: 01/08/2008
Origin: Sorocaba Great Ape Sanctuary
Sanctuary: Sorocaba, São Paulo/Brazil
Lives at the Sanctuary.
She is the youngest of the Sanctuary. She is very active and smart. She plays with everyone in her family, especially with her father, Gilberto. She is always close to the chimpanzee Sol, interacting and learning from her.

Date of birth: 03/14/2017
Origin: Great Apes Sanctuary of Sorocaba
Sanctuary: Sorocaba, São Paulo/Brazil